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Womens' Imbolc Retreat
Sowing Seeds of ‘New Vision’

with Margaret MacDonald Kearney
and Skye Mackenzie

29 January – 3 February 2024
 (starts Wednesday evening 6pm)

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Imbolc celebrates the reawakening Earth and the Divine spark of inspiration. This is a potent time for initiation, healing, and reclaiming our intuitive unconscious energy, and acknowledging the inner wisdom we have gained during the long Winter months. Now, is the time to prepare inwardly for the change that is coming, as Winter gives way to the onset of Spring.

Imbolc is a time to invoke the life force within and to celebrate our inner fire, intuition and creativity. The returning active phase of the solar year brings with it an opportunity to harness this potent life force and use it constructively to integrate the divine feminine and masculine within.

Each of us carry within us, the seeds of a ‘new vision’. When we consciously plant our ideas and leave them to germinate – we are preparing the way for a new way of ‘being’.

As part of this creative healing journey, you will also have the opportunity to birth your own individual ‘deerskin rattle’ into being. Each stitch woven with open heart and clear intention around the seeds you are choosing to sow into this next phase of life. Once all rattles are complete, we will hold a ‘healing circle’ using these sacred instruments.

During our time together, we will utilise the potent new moon energies to self-reflect, reset, rest and relax as we bring our hearts and hands together to create a place of belonging, peace and natural beauty within and without.

Cost: £495
Residential Fee: £300 payable to Anam Cara
Course Fee: £195 payable direct to Facilitator (includes materials for deerskin rattle)

Maximum participants: 12

Cost: £495​


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