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Anam Cara Retreats

Take a look at a few of our upcoming retreats hosted by the Anam Cara Community. All our retreats are hosted on-site and residential, allowing you to explore and soak up the wonders of this beautiful land.


Couple Meditating

Heart to Heart
Massage + Connection Workshop

17 February, 2024

Event will run from 11am-4pm 


You will have time to move in your body (guided), create freely, and connect with others, as well as yourself. Slow meditation / massage at the end. 


The investment is £88 which includes access to art materials, but if you feel called to bring anything specific please do!


Hosted by Kate of the Anam Cara Community. 


If you have any questions at all, do feel free to e-mail Kate at


Open to pairs of people (sign up as a duo) either friends, lovers, couples, or family. â€‹


Winter Warmth
22 February, 2024

Event will run from 7pm-9pm 


Come settle in to the cosy Tufty at Anam Cara for a heart-warming and body relaxing evening to rest deeply.


The investment is £15, and you will leave feeling deeply relaxed and unwound in the best way. Please dress in comfortable clothing you are able to stretch freely in.


This evening healing event will be hosted by Kate Graham of the Anam Cara Community. Trained in Restorative, Ahimsa, and Yin yoga, advanced Thai Yoga Massage, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, and Indian Head Massage techniques, a mixture of these tools will be combined for a beautiful healing evening. 


If you have any questions at all, do feel free to e-mail Kate at



Zen Yoga Teacher Training
5-19 April, 2024

Zen Yoga emphasises physical alignment, the flow of energy in the system and the application of mindfulness or non-judgemental attention to the body. Zen Master Hakuin taught that Buddhas are like water and ordinary people are like ice. Mindful attention is like the sunlight melting away the frozen places in the body. As things open up on the physical level, many other levels open up as well.


Zen yoga teachers are working in the UK and Europe as well as Asia and America and this course fulfils the internationally recognised Yoga Alliance requirements for a 200-hour professional yoga teacher certification. The course is also registered with the Independent Yoga Network, entitling graduates to register with REPS, the governing body for exercise professionals.​


For more information contact:


Circle of Colored Pencils Slanted

Ongoing Creative and Healing Events

These events will be facilitated by members of the Anam Cara Community.


Women's Summer Solstice:
Retreat with Margaret
19-23 June, 2023

You are warmly invited to join us in the Healing Well Garden for another juicy gathering of heartfelt connection in honour of the 'Divine Feminine'. This Summer Solstice gathering will help us celebrate the uniqueness, and sacredness of our personal and collective journeys.

We will gently prepare the soil for sowing our sacred seeds 'within' by aligning to our inner medicine wheel to help bring clarity, balance and harmony into our daily living. Through meditation, deep listening, and simply being 'present', we can open our hearts, and deepen into our true nature!

During our sacred time together, we will also celebrate our connection to Spirit through intuitive group healing sessions, where we can dive deep into our potent self-healing abilities.

Summer Solstice will be celebrated with an all-night fire vigil, cleansing sauna followed with water ablutions from the healing well garden.

To support our inner process, activities will also include mindful body movement practices, dance, breath and voice work. We will also share our creative expressions through an on-going 'art project', held within the nurturing space of the healing well garden.

The aim for the week is to celebrate our unique divine and creative expressions through open, authentic, heartfelt connection.



Summer Connections Working Retreat: Anam Cara 16-22 July, 2024

With the long light of summer fuelling this retreat, we will take the opportunity to participate in a range of outdoor activities which reflect the joy and exuberance of the season.

Moving with the Seasons combines aspects of our popular workweeks alongside a deeper sense of retreat.

Summer Connection is shaped by a daily rhythm of morning meditation, and mindful morning work periods out on the land, with the rest of the day devoted to a range of creative, stimulating and nourishing activities led by members of the Anam Cara community.

Mornings will be spent in mindful work periods (SAMU) which will include various gardening projects around the Croft, building maintenance, and tending the murmurings of new projects still in their infancy.

Afternoons will be more relaxed with optional offerings of sound work, mindful body movement, nature art, and sharing healing circles, to aid relaxation and wellbeing. There will also be free time to explore the local woodlands.

Together we can celebrate the joy of working in co-creation with each other and the land.

You will have the option to take to the hills with a packed lunch and explore the surrounding Highland countryside.

Evenings will include meditation, film night and sauna and will conclude with an outdoor sharing circle around the fire on our final night (weather permitting).

This all adds up to a wholesome and nurturing week of community living, with activities to suit all levels of skill and energy.

This week includes communal cooking, so there will be plenty of opportunity to explore your culinary skills or any favourite vegetarian or vegan recipes you would like to share!

Hot Sauna

21 Year Celebration Festival
of Anam Cara
20 July, 2024

This event will be facilitated by members of the Anam Cara Community. Details to come!


Meditation Retreat
18-22 September, 2024

This retreat is designed for experienced meditators who seek the opportunity of extended periods of practice. Our time will be spent in silence, with a structured programme of sitting/walking meditations. The afternoons will be opened up for more dynamic body-based practices with the inclusion of a period of SAMU or land based work activity.

There will also be the inclusion of Satsang recordings based on non-dual teachings and practices, with the intention of deepening our understanding and recognition of our true nature.

The course will be facilitated by members of the Anam Cara Community who collectively have many years diverse experience of meditation practice.



Mindfulness Teacher Training: Zenways
4-11 October, 2024

Taught by Julian Daizan Skinner Roshi, this intensive course will teach you how to conduct the Zenways 8-week mindfulness course for health & wellbeing.

This is a non-spiritual programme that provides stress-proofing, wellbeing, calmness and enhanced awareness, and can be taught to individuals or groups in private, corporate or organisational settings.

The 8-week course provides a framework which allows the life-changing benefits of mindfulness to be assimilated and practised in a way that can lead to lasting wellbeing and enhanced health.

On the training, you will gain a deep understanding of how to deliver the content and mindfulness techniques, which are grounded in a 2500 year tradition and subject to modern scientific research.

Become part of the Zenways ongoing research project on the Influence of Mindfulness on Life Satisfaction. Receive personal support from a Zenways mentor throughout your qualification period and access to a private members' site containing resources and discussion forums.

There are no specific prerequisites, only that you have a strong interest in meditation practice.

Please contact Zenways to book your course place prior to contacting us about your accommodation.


Wellbeing Weekend:
Harmonic Growth
22-24 November, 2024

This workshop will be focused on personal growth and well-being. Sound baths, nature connection and art will be woven together to support deep relaxation and inner questioning. As a supportive group we focus on our hopes and aspirations for the coming year, while listening to our inner voice and expressing our authentic self. We will work on setting intentions to guide our next steps and weave these into personal mandalas that will help manifest the changes we wish to bring in to our life. We will eat a healthy and nutritious vegetarian diet with raw free-from treats.

Sound and music will be used to create a safe space where we can experience deep relaxation.
Nature connection Mindful walks will allow us to connect with the local natural environment.
Art and creative expression will be used to weave our intentions into our own Personal Mandala, which can nurture our process of transformation.
We will also explore a more conscious diet by limiting stimulants like caffeine and sugar as well as reducing gluten and processed food.
Craig Dickson has been playing the didgeridoo for over 20 years and studied at the College of Sound Healing. His intuitive and sensitive approach to group dynamics supports the creation of safe spaces where deeply held emotions can be explored. Craig offers one to one sound sessions at Anam Cara throughout the year.

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